PRWeek Awards Freelance Achievement 2007: Vikki Rimmer

Thursday, October 25, 2007

'Can't quite believe it, but I won.' Probably not the most eloquently constructed sentence I've ever written, but it's going to rank up there as one of my favourites!

It's been a long and difficult journey to get to this point, and not just the last 20 yards in my gold six inch sandals!.. I wasn't expecting to win, the other two finalists had completed some superb work in the past year and were fantastic finalists. So, I nearly choked on my truffle when they announced my name as winner, my first thought was, 'Oh my god, I've got to go up on stage!'

Picked up my award from Dara O'Brien, had my picture taken, then lugged the hefty beast (the award, not Dara) back to the table, and my half eaten truffle.

PRWeek Editor, Danny Rogers said: 'Vikki Rimmer has worked magic for her clients, achieving results even they hadn't expected'. Ta Danny!

PRWeek said: 'Rimmer will have been a freelancer for three years in January, but she has already made her significant mark in the UK PR freelance market. Rimmer dismisses money as the factor driving her PR career, preferring to cite 'creativity and engagement' instead. She is indeed an inspiration for the UK's very best PR practitioners.'

Maria Boyle and Amanda Johnson were both Highly Commended by PRWeek for their outstanding work this year.

Al Gore won Communicator of The Year 2007. (Gutted I never got to meet Al!)

posted by Vikki Rimmer at 10:22 AM 0 comments

Press Contact: Finalist PR Week Awards 2007

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Battling a horrid bout of the flu, the beginning of October started out as the worst month of the year for Press Contact. It ain't easy being freelance when you've got a temperature and full on 'Man Flu'. However, all the aches and pains receeded into the background when I learnt last week that I'd been selected as a finalist for Freelance Achievement 2007 by the 21st Annual PR Week Awards.

It's a huge achievement for me to get this far. Recognition from the industry means so much. Working on your own at home, you can sometimes wonder if you're 'doing it right'.

I think I'm supposed to add this to the bottom of my correspondence now: Vikki Rimmer, Finalist PRWeek Awards 2007........... We'll see.

posted by Vikki Rimmer at 5:14 PM 0 comments