Tom Hart Dyke searches for a new name for his Cacti House
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
What's in a name? that which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet;
Or…that which we call a Cacti & succulent house
May be one to keep…..….?
The, as yet, un-named, Cacti & Succulent House, World Garden, Lullingstone
Tom Hart Dyke’s all new Cacti and Succulent House, part of the World Garden at Lullingstone Castle, will be unveiled on Saturday 22nd March when the famous Tudor House and grounds opens its gates for the 2008 season. Tom is busy plant up the beds. In fact he's so busy he's forgotten to come up with a new name for the 'Cacti House'. Tom says: 'I don't really know what to call it, it would kill me to call it 'The Cacti & Succulent House' - that's so boring! We're in need of some assistance here with the name and we'd love to throw it open to the public'.
The new plant House will contain close to 1,000 species of cacti and succulents collected by modern day plant hunter Tom Hart Dyke. Tom says: ‘'In terms of horticulture, it's going to be amazing - and it should even rival Kew! We’ve invited Mr Cactus himself – Jim Earles from Eltham, to come and open the new House. Jim is wonderful, an absolute expert on the ‘pricklies’, he donated thirteen Golden Barrell Cacti, thought to be extinct in the wild.'
Cacti Jim's Golden Balls will have pride of place in the Mexican border. The Cacti House will be laid out in five beds, roughly corresponding to the shape of South West USA, South East USA, Mexico as the central roundabout and South Africa and South America, mirroring the outline of Tom's famous World Garden (WG) laid out in the shape of a map of the world. Every plant grown in the cactus house will be exclusive to that structure and won't be repeated outside in the WG itself.
At 58 foot long, 23 foot wide and 16 foot high at its highest point, the new House will cover the entire south wall of the WG, sitting on the site of the ancient Glass Houses from the Edwardian days. The new structure to house Tom's amazing collection of Cacti and Succulents has been erected, with proper ventilation, and gravel has been laid.
Tom says: Ventilation will be very important, looking to keep it 5 degrees c minimum. Wheel chair access is a must, so we've built the path at 3 foot 6 wide, on level ground so that it's easy to negotiate. The beds themselves will be a mixture (no soil) of gravel, stones, flint, coal, charcoal to give drainage, and will be raised a maximum of a metre from the ground. I'm currently considering using purple sand!'

But what's in a name?
Tom's own suggestion; 'The Xeraphytic House' fell on deaf ears at Lullingstone - most of the volunteers were left wondering what he was going on about. Tom says: 'It's not the first time, I've had my volunteers lost for words! Xeraphytic sounds pretty good to me - it means lover of dry and arid climes - but I'm also aware that it's not exactly a catchy name for the new House which will contain over 1,000 species of Cacti and Succulents from across the globe'.
Tom says: ' We'll have lot s of really tall cacti from South America – Cleisto cactus with a big tall colomnus furry spikes. Mexico will hold the thirteen golden Barrel cactus – which were donated by Cactus Jim (Jim Earles from Eltham) thought to be extinct in the wild. The South African border will contain fabulous succulents.'
Suggestions to: or via or by post to Tom Hart Dyke, Lullingstone Castle, Eynsford, Kent DA4 0JA
Press enquiries: to 07886673412 or 01322 866293
Lullingstone Castle & The World Garden open on Saturday 22nd March details 01322 862114
posted by Vikki Rimmer at 9:21 PM