Freelancer of the Year 2008 web links
Thursday, March 05, 2009

From Freelance:UK
'Eight creatives have won the client-dazzling title ‘Freelancer of the Year’ having proved that their independent work for UK plc has been exemplary.
Their unparalleled contributions of services, including PR, marketing, design and editorial, have enriched outfits in major sectors like healthcare, IT and aviation.
The judging panel, staffed by industry captains, said they looked for the key traits of successful freelancers – flexibility, creativity, insight, discipline and value adding.
For creating a similarly “high impact” media campaign which boosted her client’s image and sparked a national debate, the PR Freelancer of the Year went to Vikki Rimmer.
Her work for the Spelling Society generated it unprecedented interest from the media, gifting it today a “strong PR legacy on which the society can continue to build.”
Like the seven other victors, her submission to the awards saw off more than 300 other freelancers all claiming to be, or nominated as, the best consultant in their field.
posted by Vikki Rimmer at 5:33 PM