BBC6 Music's Tash invents new music genre - 'Hardchoral'
Monday, April 09, 2007

(FAST PITCH PRESS) Date Released: 04/10/2007
Natasha Desborough and her team at BBC6 Music' Weekend breakfast Show will have their hands full on Saturday 28th April with a studio full of kids vying for the big prize in the culmination of ‘This is Hardchoral’, the Weekend Breakfast Shows search to find the best kid’s choral version of a 6Music song.
The competition has been running for the past six weeks and was initially inspired by a choral version of the ‘Kaiser Chiefs’ hit ‘I Predict a Riot’ given a choral twist by Warrington based choir; ‘The Cheshire Chord Company’.
Tash and her team have spent the last six weeks asking Music teachers ;'Are you the Master of an alternative choir?' and parent; ' Are your kids in the coolest school choir around? Do they prefer singing Maximo Park to Mozart?'
Tash says; ‘We wanted parents to encourage their kids, we wanted music teachers to jump on board – it’s a great way of making music accessible to kids who are probably more interested in singing Maximo Park than Mozart. We wanted tracks from the current crop of bands we’re playing on the show ; The Kaisers, Razorlight, Snow Patrol, The Arcade Fire, or ifrom classic tracks like;, Hendrix, Stones, Led Zep, Radiohead or Oasis’.
The competition has received some really diverse entries from across the Country, sent in by kids keen to show their rock choral pedigree. Entries include a fantastic choral version of Gnarls Barklay’s ‘Crazy’, a tear-jerking junior school version of Julian Lennon’s ‘Saltwater’, a spookily good (Don’t fear)The Reaper’ Blue Oyster Cult and a slew of Beatles numbers.
Entries will be posted on the 6Music website over the weekend of 15th April. Listeners then vote for their favourites and the top three choirs will be singing live in the studio for a panel of ‘esteemed’ judges.
Every weekend ‘Tash’ wakes her listeners with a mixed grill of a breakfast, piling the plate high with comedy, great music and features including ‘Emo corner’, ‘Mortasha Queen of Darkness’ a debate over rock star hair do’s: ‘Mullet Over’ and fantastic music.
Presenter/ Natasha Desborough, Producer/ Mick Meadows, Somethin’Else BBC 6 Music
posted by Vikki Rimmer at 2:21 PM
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